Tuesday was a really big day for me. I made a decision to let go of something that has been a very big part of my life for the last 3+ years. I was a member of a RMA (renaissance martial arts) club since the summer of 2007 and had even become the study group leader of the local chapter. But, over the last few weeks it had become clear to me that it was no longer the right place for my time, energy, and money. A friend of mine, whom I was asking for advice, said that he thought my goals had changed, but on further reflection I don't think they have. I think that my goals have simply become more clear (and clarity is something that I have been praying for lately).
The main purpose of RMA is preservation. To rediscover and preserve the fighting combat arts of the European Renaissance. I realized somethings though:
1) The aspects of RMA that I am most interested in have already been preserved. Let me explain. The majority of the time of most RMA organizations is spent on weapons combat, known collectively as fencing. Now, the concept is that all of the different aspects (whether sword, pole-arm, unarmed, etc.) are all interlinked by the same principles. The art is holistic. Physiologicly a thrust with a rapier, spear, or longsword is the same. Because of this, the point can be made that in studying weapon skills, you are studying unarmed skills at the same time. This is a very valid point, and I don't argue it one bit. The realisation that I had, though, was that I no longer have as strong of an interest in learning how to fight with a 15th century longsword. Most of my interest is in the unarmed aspects. And while, yes, I could stick with it, put my resources into learning unarmed principles through weapons application, why go the long way around to get to the same destination? Because as interesting as it is, and as fun as it can be, the likelyhood of getting into a sword fight in the near future is only slightly more than being attacked by someone with a lightsaber. And as this video should illustrate, the unarmed techniques, the most applicable ascpect of these arts have preserved themselves through natural selection. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DHldHRSi-jo&feature=related)
2) With the occasion to use a sword to defend myself in a life or death situation being as likely as it is, I decided that I should use my resources (time, energy, and money) a little more prudently. This boils down to basic stewardship. God has given us all we have. Every breath is a gift. And I can no longer justify the practice of swordsmanship over servanthood. "Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in Heaven... for where your treasure is there your heart will be also." (Matthew 6:19-21) I'm not saying that martial arts are sinful. Simply that my goals have become more clear, and they don't include historcal fencing. I did learn some very good lessons about self defense and martial arts as a whole from my time spent in the RMA community, and I will take those lessons with me from here on in my life. But I found what I didn't even know I was looking for and it's time to look elsewhere.
And on a completely different note, I had a record breaking day yesterday. I surpassed my personal best on hand stands twice in one session. I had one 16 sec. followed shortly by a 20 sec. attempt at holding a hand stand. I'm excited to see my balance and shoulder strength improving.
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